Get Your Garage Back! 5 Tips for Cleaning and Organizing Your Garage

Has your garage become a catchall for the extra stuff you don’t know what to do with? Is it so full you can’t even park your car in it? 

If so, or if you simply want a better-organized garage, this article is for you.

Deep cleaning and organizing your garage will help you rein in the chaos and make the most of a space that is often ignored…or worse, used as a dumping ground. Set aside a day or two (depending on how much clutter you have to work through) for the task, and soon you’ll be enjoying a clutter-free space for you and your car.

Here are five tips for cleaning and organizing your garage so you can find what you need and get your parking space back!

1. Start With the Floor

Clear off the floor first, so you can access every corner of your garage for deep cleaning. 

Move everything out of the garage (or at least get it up off the ground). You’ll sort through it all later—right now, just get it out of the way. This is easiest to do on a day with good weather, as you can move everything out onto your driveway to give you more space to clean and organize.

If you have a workbench or other work surfaces in your garage, clear them off too.

2. Clean All Surfaces

Once you have your floor and other surfaces free of clutter, it’s time to deep clean.

Start by sweeping the floor and using a shopvac or handheld vacuum to vacuum off the shelving, tables, and any cobwebs hanging out on your walls, ceiling, and the inside of your garage door.

Next, scrub the walls and all other surfaces with the cleaner of your choice (a mixture of equal parts water and bleach works great for most surfaces). Wipe down every surface, scrubbing problem areas. If you have mold or mildew, spray or wipe those areas with a bleach solution, let it sit for half an hour or so, then scrub. 

Finally, clean the garage floor using an appropriate garage floor cleaner. 

3. Sort Through the Clutter

After you deep clean, it’s time to sort through all of the items you removed in step one. Make separate piles for items you’ll keep, sell, donate, or throw away.

Be honest with yourself about whether you’re actually using each item or not. If no one has used it for the past few years, it’s time to let it go. 

If you’re having a hard time getting rid of things, start by separating items into how often you use them: regularly, once or twice a year, or never. If there are sentimental objects among the “never use” group, feel free to keep them—as long as you have the space to store them appropriately. Then separate the rest of the “never” group into your “donate” or “throw away” piles.


  • If you have time and good lighting, take photos of your “sell” items now. That way you’ll be all set to list them for sale online.
  • Box up the items you’re planning to donate and put them in your car so you’re ready to bring them to the donation site.
  • Toss the items you’re throwing away into trash bags, and then into your garbage cans.

Then, sort your “keep” pile into different categories (i.e., “sports equipment,” “home improvement,” “garden tools,” “kids’ toys,” and so on). This will help you keep things organized once you put them back into your garage.

4. Create a System of Zones

Once you’ve sorted through everything and have the items you’re keeping separated into categories, you’ll need to create an organizational system in your garage.

Divide your garage into zones that correlate with the categories you sorted your “keep” items into. That way, you’ll have a spot for everything, which will help you keep your garage clean and organized longer. Plus, it’ll be much easier to find things when you need them. 

Arrange your zones based on frequency of use, keeping items you use often in places that are more easily accessible. 

Label the zones so your family members know where everything goes. 

5. Add Organizational Elements: Shelves, Hooks, and More

When you’ve decided where everything should go, you can then add in organizational elements accordingly, like shelves, hooks, plastic containers, and pegboard. Aim to capitalize on the vertical space in your garage, making maximum use of your space and leaving more of your floor clear.

Stackable plastic containers are an easy option for keeping things clean and organized and giving you back some floor space. But if you’re using opaque plastic containers for storage, make sure to label each one so you know what’s inside and can easily find what you need.

Consider using the ceiling to store seasonal or rarely-used items. Simply attach them to the ceiling joists with clips or straps. Note: when storing items on the ceiling, make sure they are situated in a way that doesn’t interfere with the operation of your garage door.

Once you’ve added the appropriate organizational fixtures, you can put everything into its new place, and (hopefully) pull your car into its rightful parking space!

Garage Still Feeling Too Small? The ResComPros Team Can Help You Find a Bigger One

If you still don’t have the space you need after cleaning and organizing your garage, maybe it’s time to look for a home (and garage) with a little more space. Contact the team at ResComPros to start your search for a new place to call home.

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